Waste Not Want Not Wednesday #8

Waste Not Want Not Wednesday #8

Happy Christmas Month!  I'm shaking things up a teeny bit this month for WNWNW!!  I'll be featuring my favorite top Christmas posts along with reader favorites, so read on!

The Waste Not Want Not Wednesday link-up party is inspired by World Food Day (Oct. 16), and recent articles such as this one that show between 40-51% of food in Canada and America ends up in the garbage.  Over-consumption, lack of knowledge, low cost and over purchasing are common causes of food waste in North America.

This unsustainable over-consumption extends to so many aspects of our lives.  So perhaps if we all share our tips for consuming a little less stuff in general, cooking more responsibly and frugally, and living eco-friendly, we can each take a small part in making our world a little more sustainable.

And besides, who couldn't save a little bit of money anyway? 

Ok, so Christmas is only 21 days away, so I've decided to feature my top favorite Christmas posts on Waste Not Want Not leading up to the big day.  

Throughout this month I'll be sharing some posts on how I'm making Christmas a little more eco-friendly this year.  In fact, I'll be posting over at One Creative Mommy  this Wednesday and sharing a tutorial for making some eco-friendly gift bags.  Heidi's hosting guest bloggers for "The 12 Days of Christmas", and will have a giveaway for you to enter, so be sure to stop over there and check it out!!

One Creative Mommy Giveaway and Guest Posts
 So I encourage you to share your eco-friendly Christmas tips this month, too! (Although not required by any means) 

Last week's top Christmas posts were: 

Creamy Gingerbread Cookie Cup + 3 Flavor Variations from Eating Freely


The Official Scent of Christmas: A Simmering Potpourri Recipe

The Official Scent of Christmas: Simmering Potpourri Recipe from 20 Something Allergies

 There were so many great posts last week, but the three that received the most views were:

Epson Salt: A Must-Have for Home and Garden from Livin in the Green

Congrats and grab a badge from the right side!

So what kinds of posts are allowed?

1)  Recipes!  But only gluten free, healthy ones please.  This means different things for different people, but please, no recipes with pre-made boxed flour mixes or mass amounts of white or brown sugar (the less sugar the better please!).

2) Articles about food, sustainability, living healthy and frugal, being green and things in keeping with this. 

3)  DIY tutorials for using up odds and ends around the house in a frugal fashion.

* Share up to 3 posts per week.  

What are the rules?

1) Post a link on your blog post to back here, or copy and paste the code from the box under the Waste Not Want Not Button on the side bar into the HTML of your post.  Simple linky etiquette, but also so people can find these tips and recipes.

2) Leave a comment and introduce yourself.  What's your blog and/or your post about?  Is your recipe GF, EF, NF, DF, SF, V (i.e. gluten free, egg free, nut free, dairy free, sugar free, Vegan) Let me and the other readers get to know you :)

3) Consider telling people you shared here on FB, Twitter or elsewhere and spread the love around, so more people can find this link-up.

4) Don't have a blog? No worries! Share your tips or recipes in the comments section.

5) Visit some of the other posts here, comment on their scrumptiousness/brilliancy/helpfulness/frugality and let them know you found them here and hope for a similar visit.   
6) Follow the Poor and Gluten Free blog on Google+, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter to stay up to date on happenings here (ok, not a rule, just a little shameless self-promotion).

Each week I'll post the entries on my Waste Not Want Not Pinterest board, and feature different posts on my  Facebook and Google+ pages so be sure to check in there, too!


  1. Thanks for the feature and hosting the blog hop...blessings and have a great week!

  2. Thanks again for hosting! I'm not sure if fish heads are really my idea of something Christmas-y but here ya go! Enjoy a low cal GF fried fish recipe! :)

    1. Oh my gosh, Kay, your post just reminded me of this really bizarre, hilarious video/song that was popular way back when called "Fish Heads". If you haven't seen it, you might want to check it out (I apologize in advance, because it will get stuck in your head and you might end up chuckling to yourself all day about it, while being slightly grossed out)

      The song doesn't actually start until about 2 minutes into it.

  3. I shared my three posts for this week! Two from my main blog and then one from my exercise blog where I just opened up the option to have people from the exercise encouragement group community submit their own healthy recipes to be published on a Wednesday!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

  4. This week I have shared my gorgeous cold and flu busting coconut and orange smoothie. It will get rid of your cold in no time!


    Thank you for hosting

    1. Awesome, Katherine, we could all use something like that this time of year!

  5. Hello and thanks for hosting! I shared a recipe for a simple bean soup, which is really delicious.


    1. Thanks for sharing, Linda, I'm looking forward to checking it out, I have tons of beans in my cupboard :)

  6. Thanks for featuring us! The napkins have been so popular we could use more. I'm going to need to make a new batch.


I would love to hear from you so go ahead, leave a comment!