Sunday, July 7, 2013

OAS Cookbook Photoshoot - Fruit Popsicles for Fresh Fruit Allergies

"Rocket Pops" made from fruit purees

One of the necessary steps in putting together the Oral Allergy Syndrome cookbook due for publication later this summer is, of course, photos!!  And since it's definitely popsicle weather it's the perfect time for a popsicle photoshoot!!

This shoot included 2 types of fruit popsicles that I'm super excited about because they incorporate both cooked fruit purees and fruit that is OAS-friendly, so they're an easy, tasty way for people with fresh fruit allergies to get more fruit. Especially if you're trying to get kids with oral allergy syndrome to get more fruit.

My husband in particular was a fan of this shoot, since it meant that he got to eat lots of leftover popsicles on a hot afternoon :)

I'm so happy with how these photos turned out that I'm having a hard time deciding which ones to use for the book, so I'd love to hear your opinions on which ones you like the most!

Meet the Purple Pops! 

Purple Pops #1

Purple Pops #2

Purple Pops #3

Purple Pops #4

Purple Pops #5

Purple Pops #6

And these are the Rocket Pops: 

Rocket Pops #1

Rocket Pops #2
Rocket Pops #3
Rocket Pops #4

There are fewer Rocket Pop pictures to choose from because of the difficulty of photographing melting popsicles. That, and between the flies and the curious kitties and the difficulty of finding sunshine in a shady backyard meant that photos were being snapped a mile a minute.

The remnants of some rapidly melting popsicles

Kitty, miffed at being nudged aside for the photoshoot

I'd love to hear your opinion! 

This post was shared on the following great link parties: Waste Not Want Not Wednesday 


  1. They're all so cute that it's hard to pick, but I'll try. I think I like photo #2 of the purple pops (shot from above), and photo #1 of the rocket pops (same one you chose to open the article). It looks like you're having fun!


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