And the Winner of 24 Boxes of Catelli Gluten Free Pasta is....

And the winner of 24 boxes of Catelli Gluten Free Pasta, pulled randomly from a bunch of scraps of paper tossed into a pin striped hat I bought for Halloween a few years ago, is Laureen @FoxKitchen! 

As an aside, I love that this contest brought out some other Canadian bloggers. As a shout out and small consolation prize to those who entered, I thought I would list some of the great bloggers who stopped in to comment on the giveaway. Not all of them are strictly GF, but all of them are great!

First off, the prize winner, Laureen. I hope she doesn't mind me revealing her identity, but Laureen is also a Canadian-Vancouverite gluten free blogger who blogs at Fox in the Kitchen

Sandi blogs at Sandi's Allergy Free Recipes

Sarah Reid blogs at What Smells so Good?

Marie-Eve blogs at Zen Journey

Jonnie (JB) blogs at Mom of Boys with Toys

If I missed any Canadian bloggers please let me know.

And don't forget, Catelli is still offering a $1 off coupon that you can download here and use at any Canadian retailer. 

Thanks everyone :) I love connecting with other Canucks!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I should have used Rafflecopter but the giveaway wasn't planned and I didn't have time to re-familiarize myself with how to work it, so I just went old skool with the hat ;)


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