
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Carrot Salad with Ginger, Lemon and Dill Sauce

Carrot Salad with ginger, lemon and dill dressing
Cooked Carrot Salad with Ginger, Lemon and Dill Sauce

This one came out of desperation really.  It was Friday, and my fiancé (aka The Flipper, because he likes to help flip and stir in the kitchen), and I weren’t due to go shopping and restock the fridge until Saturday.  I’d had a busy day and had little inclination to be creative in the kitchen.  That said, I had allotted Friday as the day that I would try to make some glutenfree German potato dumplings, and take another stab at making a sprouted buckwheat and mung bean bread. 

Yeah, I know the sprouted buckwheat and mung bean bread sounds kind of crazy, but imagine if I had pulled it off!  I’ve been pretty sprout happy lately, and it’s quite possible that with the thrilling success of my sprouted green lentilbread and sprouted red lentil bread I’ve gotten cocky (don’t worry, I’ve been since humbled).  I decided to get creative and make use of some extra sprouted mung beans and buckwheat I had kicking around on the kitchen counter.  I had envisioned a lovely flat bread that was sweet and nutty, flavoured with honey, raisins and cinnamon. 

...with half of dinner resting in peace at the bottom of the kitchen garbage can…

Well, after two utterly failed attempts at it, I’m now firmly convinced that, yes, it really was just a foolish flight of fancy that somehow made me believe I could create such a thing. The first attempt rose beautifully at first, and I had grand hopes for it.  But alas, I had made too much of it and after an hour and a half, it was still goopy on the inside and I gave up.  I should have been warned; the smell was…well…funny.  The second attempt I spread thinly on a baking sheet and lo and behold, it baked through.  So that was a success, but ultimately the end result was nothing like I had imagined it to be, nor anything I would ever want to imagine… let me just say that I would be incredibly impressed if anyone could ever combine those two sprouts together into a tasty bread, ever. 

Carrot Salad and Potato Dumplings
Anywhoo, with half of dinner resting in peace at the bottom of the kitchen garbage can, I had to figure out something else to accompany our dumplings.  With veggies in short supply the day before shopping (there are always lots of leafy things, but we blend those to make green juice every day) all I could dig out from the crisper were 4 carrots.  For some reason my fiancé’s arm smelled like dill pickles the other day, and I’ve been craving dill ever since… so I made this salad.

I can’t eat fresh carrots (I have oral allergy syndrome) so I cooked these first to soften them, and then concocted a ginger lemon and dill sauce and chilled them.  You could serve this dish warm, sautéing the carrots with the sauce, or you could skip the cooking and shred or slice the carrots instead.  I served it with my Gluten free German Potato Dumplings, but it would easily work with a wide variety of other entrees.

4 carrots, peeled and boiled until slightly soft*
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tsp ginger, finely chopped
¼ tsp salt, more if desired
½ Tbsp dried dill

Slice carrots into rounds (or shred uncooked carrots).  Mix all ingredients together and pour over carrots.  Toss and chill before serving. 

*OAS Info: If you have OAS and react to carrots, the boiling of the carrots *should* kill the offensive allergen proteins and make it safe to eat.  If you are very reactive to carrots you may want to avoid this one.  
I hope that you are all enjoying a lovely long weekend with family and friends!
This recipe was shared on: Slightly Indulgent Tuesday on Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Traditional Tuesday, Tuesday's Tasty Tidbits on Permanent Posies, Allergy Free Wednesdays on Tessa the Domestic Diva,Gluten Free Wednesdays on the Gluten Free Homemaker, What's Cooking Wednesdays on The King's Court IV, Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable,


  1. I love the combo of ginger and carrots but I've never cooked it this way. Great recipe!

  2. I tell ya, I have had more failed attempts than i can builds character, right?! With each failure, we learn something i guess...something NOT to do!

    1. Indeed! One of these days I'll learn to take direction better and stop throwing things together at random ;p

  3. oops, thanks for sharing this this on AFW!!

  4. This looks great. Some great recipes come out of desperation. :)

  5. This recipe looks simple, delicious AND it fits the paleo autoimmune protocol. So, thank you! You're such a gracious hostess of Waste Not Want Not Wednesdays. I wanted to invite you to participate in a blog carnival I just started: the Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable. I’m trying to expand resources for the AIP community, and I would love it if you linked up this recipe. Here’s the link:


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