Food Bloggers Support for Sandy

Hi folks,

I'm interrupting this regular program to share some important info here.  As I think most of you know, the east coast (from the Caribbean along the US coast and up through Ontario, Canada) was hit a few days ago by hurricane Sandy, causing millions of dollars in damage, taking an as yet undetermined amount of lives, and leaving thousands without power.  I know my hubby and I were watching the news with trepidation and sadness, particularly as he was set to head to the east coast this weekend for a conference.

Most of us feel helpless when something like this happens. So I was happy to see that Jenn, over at Jenn's Cuisine and Barb of Creative Culinary had put together a little something we can partake in.  They're calling food bloggers to come together and try to help out the efforts to bring power, food and shelter to people displaced by the storm.

So I'm passing along what they've shared so you can participate, or pass this along too.  I'll be doing my best to post some comfort food on Thursday to take part in this as well!

Also - I just wanted to add here that Erin at Gluten Free Fun has a really great post on getting GF food to the food banks, so if you want to donate something gluten free, check out her post.

How can you help??

Thursday, November 8, 2012

– Create a post on your own blog sharing a comfort dish – something that you would make for someone in need, to help them feel at home.  But more importantly, lets encourage everyone to donate to relief efforts.  Feel free to grab the code for the badge below which links to the Red Cross disaster relief, and head back to Jenn's Cuisine on Nov. 8th to link up your post.

Don’t have a blog??

Please donate to help those in need.  Who to donate to?  Several organizations are dedicating themselves to helping the victims of hurricane Sandy.  Some of the larger ones include:
  • Red Cross is providing food, shelter, and other forms of support to hurricane victims.  You can donate directly to the Red Cross, you can also text the word “Redcross” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
  • Salvation Army is also focused on providing food, shelter, and support to victims, and takes donations to storm relief.
  • Feeding America is providing food, water and supplies to those who need it as part of their disaster relief program.

 Follow hashtag #FBS4Sandy

to see everyone’s posts and encourage donations.
Grab the code below to add this badge to your post, which links to the Red Cross website to encourage donations:

This post was shared on: Monday Mania, Make Your Own Monday,

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