Happy American Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers :)  You folks really know how to celebrate Thanksgiving!  

The funny thing I've come to realize is that while Canadian Thanksgiving (in October) is often a relatively quiet affair, usually just one evening where people have dinner with family, and get one day off of work, in the US Thanksgiving is like a week-long vacation!

I noticed it began on Tuesday, when the street below our apartment had waaayy more traffic than usual throughout the evening, cars were honking and lining up at the lights like I'd never seen before. My husband's classes at the university have been cancelled throughout the week as professors and people leave town for "Thanksgiving Week", and American bloggers across the country have been planning their dinners for months. 

And then there's the Black Friday madness!  Hubby and I will be avoiding the lure of consumerism and cheap stuff this year, but wish you all the best in your adventures. 

So happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you all enjoy your time with friends and family and good food :) 


  1. I know!! It's so different form here in Canada. It's kind of like a second Christmas it seems! Quite interesting. :)

    Happy American Thanksgiving to you as well!

    P.S. We're having a linkup and would love it if you joined! http://papaisapreacher.blogspot.com/2012/11/tidbit-thursday_22.html


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