Top Ten Posts of 2012

Gluten Free Spaetzle, the top post of 2012
Happy New Year!! 

I can't believe it's been almost one year since P & GF got started, and I've been so blessed with so many great followers and new blog friends.  Thank you all so much for your support, comments, and kindness!!  I've got plenty in store for 2013 so I hope you stick around.

Later this week I'll be sharing some of my own personal goals and hopes for 2013 and I look forward to hearing about yours.  

I thought you might like to see the top posts from the last 11 months (P&GF began at the end of January, 2012).  Here we go!

1. Gluten Free Spaetzle - By far this year's most popular post, who knew so many people were looking for Spaetzle recipes?!  These gluten free German noodles are quite easy to make, and very tasty.  

Sprouted Lentil Bread (GF Essene Bread)

2. Gluten Free Essene Bread (Sprouted Lentil Bread) - probably the cheapest GF bread ever, this is a rather bizarre concoction that turned out fantastic, and has been super popular with GF newbies, raw foodies and other poor people in general ;)

Sprouted Red Lentil Bread

3. Gluten Free Sprouted Red Lentil Bread - another bizarre concoction that makes for a great, cheap bread but with a beautiful orange hue.

Gluten Free Flaxmeal and Millet Sandwich Bread

4. Gluten Free Flax Meal Sandwich Bread - the fastest and easiest GF bread I've ever made

Gluten Free German Potato Dumplings (with Sweet Potatoes)
5.  Gluten Free German Potato Dumplings - a blast from my childhood past, these dumplings are super easy and tasty.  With sweet potatoes mixed in, they're a healthier version of a German comfort food.

6. Grape Seed Oil Moisturizer - I use grape seed oil as my regular moisturizer, and apparently a lot of other people are looking to try it out as well!  This is one of the most searched for terms that leads people to P & GF.

Gluten Free Beet Red Ravioli

7. Gluten Free Beet Red Ravioli - gorgeous to look at and tasty to boot, this ravioli dough made with beets was a personal triumph for me, and I'm so glad so many of you have stopped by to check them out! 
Gluten Free Chocolate Carrot Scones
 8. Gluten Free Chocolate Carrot Scones  - Yummy, chocolatey healthy goodness.  Guilt free breakfast or snack scones, these are pretty darn awesome if I do say so myself.

8 Ways to Use Up Swiss Chard Stalks

9. 8 Ways to Use Swiss Chard Stems - From soups to stir fries to baked and breaded, these are some of the ways I use up all the Swiss chard stems I end up with in my fridge on a weekly basis.

Using up wrinkly old peppers

 10. 8 Ways to Use Up Wrinkly Old Bell Peppers - Frozen, roasted, dehydrated, canned pickled or packed in oil, I like all these ways to use up funky old peppers I've found in the fridge, or on sale at the market.

So there you have it, those are the most viewed posts from 2012!  In the coming year I'll continue to experiment with things I find at the farmer's markets as hubby and I strive to eat well and gluten free on a budget!

I wish you all the best for the New Year and I look forward to seeing you in 2013!!

This post was shared on the following great link parties: Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Whole Food Wednesday, Wheat-Free Wednesday, Keep it Real Thursdays, Simple Lives Thursday, Full Plate Thursday, Tasty Traditions, Fresh Bites Friday, Get Real Frugal Friday, Fight Back Friday, Gluten Free Fridays, Whole Food Fridays,    


  1. This is such a lovely idea and I am totally stealing it!! I've been thinking about ways to pull together a recap post of the last year of blogging but wasn't quite sure how to do it until today! Thank you for you inspiration!! :)

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

    1. I can't claim the idea as my own :) I've been seeing a lot of top tens floating around lately, but I'm glad it inspired you!

  2. Hi Danielle,
    Your Top Ten Post of 2012 is great, I want to try them all! Thank you so much for celebrating TWO YEARS with FULL PLATE THURSDAY, I appreciate your visit!
    Come Back Soon
    Miz Helen


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