My Gluten Free Weekly Meal Plan

Last month was a doozy for us - we rented a uHaul, spent 5 nights in hotels and eating out, had to buy new furniture, pay rent and bills for 2 different apartments, and set up a new place in a different country.

Now that we're somewhat settled, I'm trying to get back on track with meal planning and budgeting. This week's meal plan is only somewhat locavore-ish (in that our veggies were bought at a small, local veggie market and most of the veggies are at least from within our province, as opposed to from another country).

So not only are we working on a tighter budget this month, but we're also doing a fair amount of entertaining in our new home. Last week we had two separate dinner parties. This week I'm having a girls' lunch AND two dinner parties (one even includes small children). So here's what we're eating this week...

Because I'm in a bit of a rush today, I'm going to leave out my usual list of what's in our cupboards, as well as breakfasts, lunches, and snack.

Week of: September 13-19, 2014

Girls’ luncheon: Leftover Vegan, GF Red Lentil & Quinoa patties on a bed of mixed greens with yogurt, dill & cucumber dressing

Dinner: Pumpkin & Beer soup and lemon caper pasta
Having my dad and his wife over for dinner:
* Veggies and Beet Hummus
* Vegan tofu meatballs with honey-mustard glaze (recipe to come)
* GF pierogi stuffed with mixed greens (like one of the recipes in my book, Recipes for Unusual Gluten Free Pasta)
* A salad bar
* Gluten free Mexican Chocolate cupcakes with Kahlua Frosting (from my upcoming cookbook, Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer)

Having some friends and their kids over:
* Veggies and Beet Hummus
* Leftover meatballs served over rice and lentils.
* Chickpea flour flatbread (recipe in my book Living with Oral Allergy Syndrome)
* Mexican Chocolate Cupcakes
* Watermelon

Scrounging through leftovers : ) Probably using the watermelon rinds to make Watermelon Rind Soup
My husband is cooking dinner
Leftover rice and lentils with steamed vegetables on the side
Homemade Pad Thai
What’s Cookin’ Sunday: Tofu meatballs, gluten free pierogi, giant batch of rice and lentils

What are you cooking this week?

This post was shared on the following great link parties: Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, Real Food Recipe Roundup Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, Gluten Free and DIY Tuesday, Fat Tuesday Gluten Free Wednesday, Allergy Free Wednesday, Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Hop, 


  1. I really need to get into meal planning! It would make things so much easier. And Watermelon Rind soup - that's very unique! I've never heard of that before. Thanks so much for adding this to Gluten Free & DIY Tuesday!

    1. It does make things easier! We save a bit of $ and time by planning ahead.

  2. Your menu plan sounds delicious as well as really healthy too! I've pinned it to my Menu Planning Board. Thank you for sharing it with us at the Hearth and Soul hop, Danielle!


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