Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer


It's here it's here!! My latest cookbook, Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer, is available NOW for Kindle and in print from Amazon. Hopefully within a week's time you'll also be able to get the eBook on other reading devices (formatting issues pending approval!).

Beer is such a fantastic addition to gluten free food, I've found it incredible for giving GF goods that "lift" and lightness that can be so hard to get sometimes with GF baked goods. It's also awesome with chocolate and even vegan stews and chilis. 

I can promise you that, amongst others, my husband (a non-GF beer drinker), has sampled ALL the recipes and approved them for taste and texture.

And not only that, but the book includes a foreword from Brian Kolodzinski, who runs Gluten Free Home Brewing, a website and store dedicated to gluten free brewing. 

So read on for a sampling of recipes  and bio of Brian Kolodzinski!

Book Description:

Beer is a useful addition to gluten free fare. Beer helps baked goods rise, tenderizes meat, lends a deep flavour to vegan stews and gravies, and enriches chocolate-y desserts with its essence. Beer is also just plain fun to cook and bake with; it makes food better.

The recipes in Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer enable you to enjoy beer round the clock, seven days a week, from breakfast through to dinner, dessert, and beyond. Whether you’re looking for traditional pub-fare, like bratwurst and sauerkraut, game day snacks like pretzels and cheddar dip, Sunday morning crepes and French toast, or entrĂ©es like steamed mussels and marinated chicken, there’s a little something for everyone. As a bonus, many of the recipes have vegetarian and vegan options.

Discover over 40 recipes and combinations such as:

* Muddled Meat Balls and their vegan counterpart, Tanked-Up Tofu Balls
* Rip-Roaring Rosemary Bread
* Plotzed Poor Man’s Pierogi
* Borracho Mexican Chocolate Cupcakes
* Off-Your-Face Apple Fritters

So why not crack open a six-pack and start cooking and baking with gluten free beer today?!

 Wondering who the foreword writer, Brian Kolodzinski, is? 

Well here's a little bio: 

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Brian has now made the Pacific Northwest his home. Having lived in two regions of the United States made famous for their beer, a great appreciation of the many styles of beer was developed. After many attempts to discover what caused him to be sick throughout his life, Brian was advised to try a gluten free diet. A few years later and in much better health, he began to brew his own beer and started a facebook page dedicated to gluten free home beer brewing. Today, has the largest collection of recipes, resources and information for home brewing craft gluten free beer.

Get the book for Kindle and in print from Amazon today!

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1 comment:

  1. Well, the books really seems good an people are advised to opt for gluten free food must read the book. Also, the special thin about the book is that it has described about using beer with gluten free food and it's true that beer is a useful addition to gluten free fare as it helps baked goods rise, tenderizes meat, lends a deep flavour to vegan stews and gravies, and enriches chocolate-y desserts with its essence.


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