OAS & GF Bloggers

This is a place to share your blogs with information about Oral Allergy Syndrome (pollen food allergy) OR gluten intolerance / celiacs disease. I'd especially love to hear from other folks out there with oral allergy syndrome, as there are so many with so few ways to connect!! 

You don't have to have OAS, or be totally gluten free, but if you occasionally share info or recipes for either of these then please go ahead and link up!  Your blog doesn't have to be specifically about being GF or OAS (i.e. you can write a blog about home decorating but have OAS or celiacs and mention it from time to time, OR have neither but be Paleo and share GF recipes). 

So here's what you do to link up:  Click the button, then you have 100 characters to tell us the title of your blog and a little bit about yourself.

For example: 
"Poor and Gluten Free - OAS, articles, GF Recipes, DIY tutorials, budget & eco-friendly living”
"Mrs. Blogger - Vegetarian GMO-free lawyer, GF and very nice lady all around" etc...

(GF = gluten free, NF = nut free, SF = soy free, DF = dairy free, V=vegan, v= vegetarian)

Then choose a photo (i.e. your logo or a nice pic of you)

I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. Danielle,

    Thanks for setting up this resource of blogs! I can't wait to see all the links and visit some new sites! :)


  2. Thanks Danielle!!

    What a great idea! You are Amazing!!

    1. *Blush* I can't claim credit for the idea - Vegetarian Mamma above also has a page for GF Bloggers :)

  3. Thanks for the invite. What a wonderful community resource.

  4. Thanks for the thoughtful invitation! :)
    Can't wait to see the page grow.

  5. Thanks, Danielle! This will be a great resource.

  6. This is a wonderful idea and great resource! Thanks for including me.

  7. Thanks for doing this-fabulous idea and network!

  8. Thanks for doing this! We're excited to see the other blogs! Also, we forgot to describe ourselves in our link... can we edit it? Thanks!!

    1. I believe there should be a tool that shows up over your link so you can edit, but if it doesn't you can create another link with your info and I'll delete your older one, just leave a note here so I know you updated it :)

  9. Thank you for providing a place for us :)

  10. Thank you so much. This is a great resource!

  11. Wish there were bloggers about OAS. I don't have issue with gluten (been tested just to make sure). My entire family has OAS. Would be nice to see more people looking into it. Thanks for your site. I'm disappointed there are not any other bloggers talking about it. Seems like gluten free is the focus of so many blogs but I'd like the emphasis to be on OAS, not a certain allergy. Would love an OAS cookbook that doesn't leave out meat and isn't all about gluten.

    1. Hi Elaina, yes it would be great if there were more OAS bloggers out there, but there are more Facebook groups, etc talking about it now so that's helpful. That's wonderful that you can eat glutinous things, that frees up a lot of options for you.

      In my case, I left out the meat and wheat/gluten in my OAS cookbook because some people do have OAS-like reactions to meat (I explain this on page 19 in the book), while others have OAS reactions to wheat related products (baker's allergy, etc.). So for me, writing an OAS cookbook with glutinous/wheat products and meat recipes felt like I'd be alienating people who also suffer from OAS symptoms to those products (including myself!).

      Having the book meat and gluten free seemed the most inclusive way to go about things, but I do hope for those of you who can eat meat and wheat that someone will take up the torch and write something for you. Unfortunately, not being able to eat those things, and avoiding meat for ethical/environmental reasons means I can't be the one :)


I'd love to hear from you so go ahead, leave a comment!

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