WNWNW postponed & the World's Largest Dinosaur

Hi folks,

Sorry I'm a little late with this, but we've been busy packing and prep'ing for our big move. That's right, this time next week we'll be loading up a U-Haul and driving aaaallll the way from Wisconsin, up through Canada and over to the West Coast of British Columbia, stopping along the way to visit family in Winnipeg and the Badlands of Drumheller (I just love being able to say "the Badlands").

On arrival, we'll be moving in to a new apartment in a somewhat new (to me, at least) neighbourhood outside of Vancouver. So I'll be sorting and getting my bearings.

Because of the flurry of activity and distraction I expect over the next month, and because I've noticed the blogosphere tends to quiet down in August, I've decided to postpone WNWNW until September, when things have settled down for myself and everyone else.

I hope to still see some of you around when I have a chance to check into social media and that you'll still stop by from time to time in the meanwhile. I intend to try and post a few reviews and photos of some of the places we stop along the way - after all, we will be seeing the World's Largest Dinosaur in Drumheller, which I think is pretty awesome.

Thanks everyone and keep your fingers crossed for us that the move goes ok :)


I would love to hear from you so go ahead, leave a comment!