Miniature Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie

A couple of weeks ago I posted a recipe for my favorite gluten free pumpkin pie. Then I said I would post how I make basic miniature pumpkin pies to take to potlucks, or to serve for little kids. These mini pumpkin pies are great little handheld pies, and they're super easy to make.

I came up with the mini GF pumpkin pies the same way I came up with my Miniature Chocolate Pudding Pies, I had some leftover pie dough, and some leftover pumpkin puree. So if you're like me and ever find yourself with extra dough, you can keep filling up muffin tins and freezing the dough until you end up with enough to make this.

Or you can always skip over to my Miniature Chocolate Pudding Pie recipe and whip up enough chocolate pudding to fill up your leftover dough cups :) 

Ingredients for Miniature Gluten Free Pumpkin Pies (makes about 12 mini pies):

1/2 batch GF Pumpkin Pie Filling
1 batch GF Pie Dough, chilled 5-10 minutes


1. Between two sheets of waxed paper, roll out pie dough about 1/4" thick. Using the rim of a glass larger than the base of a muffin tin, cut out circles. Arrange circles into the bottom of a muffin tin so that they come about halfway up the side of the tin. Lightly poke a few holes in the crusts with a fork to prevent too much bubbling / rising of the crusts. Tin does not need to be greased - the butter / oil from the dough will enable you to pop the mini crusts out once baked.

(If using leftover scraps, you can always wrap the tin and freeze as is here, periodically adding extra bits of dough whenever you make a pie)

2. Bake in 350F oven for 8 minutes, until crusts are slightly cooked.

3. Scoop pumpkin pie filling  into mini pie shells. Turn oven heat up to 425F and bake for 20-25 minutes, until filling is set. Serve topped with whipped cream and enjoy!

Have you checked out my gluten free pasta book  Recipes for Unusual Gluten Free Pasta: Pierogis, Dumplings, Desserts and More! ? Get yourself a copy and start making GF won tons, pierogis, dumplings, and orzo today :)

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