Finding Moments of Joy in Unsettling Times

Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
I just wanted to share this photo I took the other day because it reminded me of Longfellow's poem, The Rainy Day. As the dark cloud passed over us, it was actually snowing! And yet the sunset was streaming across the sky all around these big clouds.

It was such a lovely juxtaposition, and such a strong metaphor, because I know many of us are feeling like the world is an unsettling place these days.

The news and social media amplify terrible stories that catch our attention and feed insecurities and anxieties. Our engagement with these posts transfers into more engagement, and higher ranking and more visibility online than the good things happening in the world.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that these bad things aren't happening, or that we shouldn't be concerned about them.

Only that when the world seems like a dark place, or news seems scary, or things seem dark in your life, it's more important than ever to find ways to savour moments of joy, peace, and beauty.

Enjoying moments of kindness or beauty or peace doesn't mean you are ignoring the things that are troubling you, or the genuinely concerning things happening in your life.

It just means that it's okay to allow yourself a few moments to appreciate the good things in the world. And, in fact, we should be looking for good things in the world. We should be recognizing the natural beauty of nature, of architecture, of our communities, of our neighbours and friends and family and our common humanity on a regular basis. We are all human. We all suffer. We should be seeking ways to uplift and help one another. Especially in times of trouble.


There's nothing better to boost mood and relieve anxiety than going outside into nature. Even just five minutes on your balcony, or sticking your head out your window to look outside can help. Taking a step away from the news or from whatever is stressing you out can help give you some perspective.


Check in on your loved ones. Stay engaged in the world. But also give yourself time to breathe. In fact, do it right now. Take a big, deep breath, fill your diaphragm and hold it for 5 seconds, and let it go.

Repeat as needed.

Follow me Bluesky for more regular photos :) 

And if you're looking to read good news on a regular basis, check out sites like Positive.News or Good News Network

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