Waste Not Want Not Wednesday & a GIVEAWAY!

Exciting news! 

I'm giving away a copy of the new Paleo cookbook, Primal Cuisine by Pauli Halstead!  You can read my review of the book for more details on it, but rest assured, you don't need to be on the Paleo diet to appreciate the recipes in this book. 

You'll find the Rafflecopter below the entries for this week's Waste Not Want Not, and you can earn multiple entries.  Good luck!! (Contest ends February 8).

The Waste Not Want Not Wednesday link-up party is inspired by World Food Day (Oct. 16), and recent articles such as this one that show between 40-51% of food in Canada and America ends up in the garbage.  Over-consumption, lack of knowledge, low cost and over purchasing are common causes of food waste in North America.

This unsustainable over-consumption extends to so many aspects of our lives.  So perhaps if we all share our tips for consuming a little less stuff in general, cooking more responsibly and frugally, and living eco-friendly, we can each take a small part in making our world a little more sustainable.

And besides, who couldn't save a little bit of money anyway? 

The three top viewed posts from last week were:

To Bra or Not to Bra from Axiom at Home

The Perfect Anti-Cancer Food from Modern Alternative Kitchen

Why I stopped Drinking Green Smoothies

Congrats and grab a badge from the right side!

So what kinds of posts are allowed?

1)  Recipes!  But only gluten free, healthy ones please.  This means different things for different people, but please, no recipes with pre-made boxed flour mixes or mass amounts of white or brown sugar (the less sugar the better please!).

2) Articles about food, sustainability, living healthy and frugal, being green and things in keeping with this. 

3)  DIY tutorials for using up odds and ends around the house in a frugal fashion.

* Share up to 3 posts per week.  

What are the rules?

1) Post a link on your blog post to back here, or copy and paste the code from the box under the Waste Not Want Not Button on the side bar into the HTML of your post.  Simple linky etiquette, but also so people can find these tips and recipes.

2) Leave a comment and introduce yourself.  What's your blog and/or your post about?  Is your recipe GF, EF, NF, DF, SF, V (i.e. gluten free, egg free, nut free, dairy free, sugar free, Vegan) Let me and the other readers get to know you :)

3) Consider telling people you shared here on FB, Twitter or elsewhere and spread the love around, so more people can find this link-up.

4) Don't have a blog? No worries! Share your tips or recipes in the comments section.

5) Visit some of the other posts here, comment on their scrumptiousness/brilliancy/helpfulness/frugality and let them know you found them here and hope for a similar visit.  
6) Follow the Poor and Gluten Free blog on Google+, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter to stay up to date on happenings here (ok, not a rule, just a little shameless self-promotion).

Each week I'll post the entries on my Waste Not Want Not Pinterest board, and feature different posts on my  Facebook and Google+ pages so be sure to check in there, too to see if you've been featured! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for hosting Danielle! I shared three links today!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  2. rafflecopter is not quite working yet. shared another method of water distilling :-)


    1. Hi Teri, how do you mean the rafflecopter isn't working? Some people have entered successfully, so if you're having a problem please let me know the particulars!!

  3. Linked up for the first time and am following you now. My post's about the 31 Days of Nothing challenge, how I'm getting on, and what I could improve. Best wishes from the UK!

    1. Welcome, Alison! I'm looking forward to reading your post :)

  4. Hello and thanks for hosting! I was so pleased to see my post from last week was one of the most clicked. :) This week I've shared part 2.

    Have a great week!


  5. Thanks for hosting again...have a wonderful week!

  6. This week I shared baked eggs with spinach and bacon. Thanks for hosting!!


I would love to hear from you so go ahead, leave a comment!