My GF Weekly Meal Plan


Ugh. I haven't had a cold in almost 3 years. It was July of 2010 and my now-husband and I had just landed in Rome, Italy, and I swear someone on that plane infected me. The two days of traveling and no sleep and horrid jet lag probably didn't help either. It wasn't until almost 10 days later, when we had reached Bologna, that I got over it.  And that was the last time I had a cold.

Until yesterday morning, when I woke up with a sore throat. I drank a pot full of homemade Ginger Tea and hoped that maybe it was just the tickling of allergy season starting. But no. This morning I woke up with a raging sore throat and couldn't swallow.

So I've been laying on the couch today reading Jane Eyre. But I figured, sick or no, a girl's gotta eat, right? So here's my weekly meal plan for the week!

If you're looking for more meal planning resources, or how and why I meal plan, check out my Meal Planning Page.

Week of: April 26 – May 2
Hubby is making pasta with kale and orange sauce
GF stir fry with crispy tofu
Cooked cod ceviche and black bean dip
Warm Greens and Chickpea Salad using Frozen Chickpeas
Pad Thai (recipe to come)
Hubby is cooking
What’s Cookin’ Sunday: Ethiopian Cabbage & Turmeric, GF bread

What are you eating this week?

This post was shared on the following great link parties: Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, Real Food Recipe Round up, Menu Plan Monday, Hearth and Soul Hop, Fat Tuesday Gluten Free Wednesdays, Whole Food Fridays, Plant Based Potluck Party, Fight Back Friday, Gluten Free Fridays,


  1. I hope you are feeling much better now, Danielle. I rarely get colds either but I don't like it when I do that is for sure. Your menu plan sounds delicious - and you are supposed to feed a cold! I'm intrigued by the Apple Cinnamon Cabbage stew - it sounds lovely. I've pinned this post to my menu planning board on Pinterest.

    1. Thanks, April! The cold is on it's way out - sort of :( Thanks so much for pinning, and for hosting the Hearth and Soul Blog hop :)


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