My Gluten Free Weekly Meal Plan


Phew, this week is going to be hectic. We're having not one, not two, but THREE dinner parties in a row, plus a lunch. Two of these will be more relaxed, just myself, hubby, and one girlfriend of mine, but still, it definitely requires some pre-planning, hence why I've resumed my weekly meal planning.

Not to mention it's the end of the month and subsequently, we're at the end of our food budget! But that's ok. With a bit of planning and ingenuity, I'm confident we'll pull it off with little extra spent. Here's how I plan to do it...

I dropped off the meal planning the last couple of months as I was finishing up my latest cookbook, Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer. But now that the madness of that has passed, I'll try to do better. At least until the end of February, when we're going to Europe for a whole month! More on that later, but for today, here's how I'm going to feed four different sets of people over the course of the week:

Week of: Jan 24 – Jan 30
8 people over for dinner – salad bar, chopped carrots and cucumber, GF Beer Brined Chicken from Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer, hubby’s putanesca pasta, GF Chocolate Applesauce Cake from Living with Oral Allergy Syndrome
My dad and his wife over for dinner – Tofu Meatballs with Crabapple Sauce, Baked Feta Cheese with artichoke hearts, leftover chicken, salad fixings, & cake from Sunday
My friend Ashley is coming for dinner – leftover baked feta, tofu balls & salad fixings from Sunday
Hubby will make veggie stew
Sweet and Sour Lentils with Frozen Brown Rice and steamed veggies on the side
My friend Lisa is coming for lunch – Chickpea Flatbread from Living with Oral Allergy Syndrome, served with Homemade Syrian Yogurt

For dinner we’ll have leftovers from Wednesday – any leftover rice and lentils will get made into Crackers
Simple stir fry with rice and blanched veggies
Snacks & Lunches: Mixed green salads with marinated chickpeas and baked beets, Homemade Syrian Yogurt, rice cakes with cheese and peanut butter
What’s Cookin’ Sunday: Baked beets for salads and side dishes, chickpeas for lunch salads

What are you eating this week?

Have you seen my newest cookbook, Cooking and Baking with Gluten Free Beer? It's full of fun, booze-infused recipes that will help you enjoy beer 24/7, from breakfast through to dessert. Get it now for Kindle or in Print Copy and crack open a 6 pack today :)

This post was shared on the following great link parties: Waste Not Want Not WednesdayReal Food Recipes, Hearth and Soul Blog Hop, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Allergy Free Wednesday, Gluten Free Fridays,


  1. Replies
    1. Lol, anytime, Gigi ;) We usually have stir fry once a week!

  2. Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays Party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! :) I can't wait to see what you share next time!


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