Many Thanks!!

Food Bloggers of Canada
FBC Interview
Today I want to give a quick shout out to some of the great sites that have been kind enough to think of me this month, and give a heads up to my readers who may not have seen the links go up on my twitter, facebook or Google + pages.

I'm just thrilled and excited that Poor and Gluten Free has even been noticed at all!

This month I've been super blessed to receive recognition from a couple of different fantastic sites that support the Canadian blogging community. 

Today I was featured on the Food Bloggers of Canada blog. This is pretty awesome because the FBC provides great support and resources for Canadian food bloggers.

They have guests who write about everything from monetizing your blog to food photography, and have special offers for members, like contests and discounts and workshops and what-nots.

So a huge thank you to the FBC for thinking of me!  I really appreciate it :)

Earlier this month I was also interviewed and featured on Canada Blog Friends, a great site that roots out the authors of some of Canada's great blogs.  They focus on the person behind the blog, and encourage writers to transform themselves by coming out from behind the blog at some point!

So many thanks to CBF for the opportunity to come out of the blog closet ;)
Canada Blog Friends
CBF Interview

Also, in a final surprise, I discovered that I had been nominated for a Canadian Blog Award for Best Health Blog.  I had no idea!  While voting had already passed the first round when I found out, I will try to be more aware of this next year so I can give my readers a heads up to vote for me!! So thank you to whoever anonymously thought to nominate me for this!! I'm very honoured. 

Canadian Blog Awards site

There were also several nods this month from a couple of the many wonderful blog hops I share my posts on, which you can check out on the side bar on the right.  My beet bread, DIY rag coasters and rag rug, and chocolate carrot scones were all acknowledged this month. Thank you so much to all the other bloggers who took the time to read my posts. 

So thanks everyone!  I'm feeling very loved this month and I really appreciate it, especially as we head into the gloomy days of late fall which can bring your energy down. It's nice to know that someone out there (other than my husband, who has no choice) is listening to my mad rambles and takes notice of my bizarre beet concoctions and thing-a-ma-bobs!!

Ok. My grammy speech is done.  Time to get off the stage...


  1. Congratulations!! I know this has to be super exciting for you!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

    1. Thanks! It is pretty cool ;) I'm feeling very lucky and blessed by the powers that be. Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket?!

    2. Haha well..I don't gamble so I'll let you make that decision on your own. :)

      Blue Eyed Beauty Blog


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